Benjamin Hageloch, Corona-Pandemie, Pieter Cleppe

Liebe Freunde des Hayek-Clubs Brüssel,


ja, es gibt uns noch! Aber natürlich macht es in diesen Zeiten wenig Sinn, ein „richtiges“ Treffen zu planen.


Trotzdem möchte ich auf folgendes hinweisen:

Morgen wird sich das Brussels Liberty Network virtuell treffen – Einladung anbei.

Sprecher wird Fred Röder sein. Er ist Direktor des Consumer Choice Center und stellvertretender Vorsitzender der Hayek-Gesellschaft.


Beste Grüße aus Brüssel


Benjamin Hageloch



May 6 (VIRTUAL) Meeting of Brussels Liberty Network


Dear Sir/Madam,

we hope you are well and safe. You are kindly invited to the (VIRTUAL) Brussels Liberty Network Meeting on Wednesday May 6, 2020.

Despite the COVID-19 crisis, we continue with this meeting as a regular event, designed to offer a networking platform to those supporting free market policies in the European institutions, NGOs, think tanks, academia and industry.


This time, the event will feature a talk by Fred Roeder, a German healthcare economist who’s the Director of the Consumer Choice Center. He’ll discuss how different countries have tackled the Covid crisis and the lessons for best practices.


Apart from him, there will also be interventions/updates from like-minded participants from various European countries.

For this virtual meeting, which will be a video conference conducted through Microsoft Teams, you do not need to register or even download Microsoft Teams. You can simply click on the link listed below if you’d like to take part.


WHEN: Wednesday May 6, 2020


WHERE: VIDEO CONFERENCE VIA MICROSOFT TEAMS – CLICK ON THIS LINK (Ideally, please download the app. Otherwise, it works best with Chrome browser)


TIME: From 14:00 to 15:00 Brussels time (CET)

We hope you’re able to take part!


With kind regards,


Pieter Cleppe and Lorenzo Montanari (ATRF)

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